Behind Bronx Pinstripes: Scott Reinen, Founder

667 days ago via viatravelers    Discuss    all
SR- Bronx Pinstripes was created as a way for me to follow the team closer when I had moved away from the Tri-State area. The site started off with just me writing about the team, covering news and creating graphics about the team. I have a background in graphic design and marketing, so I started making graphics in the beginning as a way to stand out from the other sites. From day one, I placed a priority on growing the Twitter and Facebook pages by following other Yankees fans, and it started growing steadily. Once we had a decent Twitter following, I started looking for more writers by asking around on Twitter – and voila! Andrew and Ryan answered the call, and we started putting out more content and growing. We now have 20+ writers, 60K Twitter followers, 23K Facebook Likes, and about 10K in subscribers to our feed and email list.

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