Best Puppy Food

666 days ago via viatravelers    Discuss    all
You found the best puppy for your family, and now you’re looking for the best puppy food to start him off right. There are a lot of different brands available these days, in all types and prices. Be sure to bring him home with a small bag of what your pup has already been eating, so you can transition him gradually to the new food you select. You will add a bit more of his new food in every day, and less of his old food, until he is completely switched over.You will also want to decide what manner of food to feed your pup. Canned and dry, kibble, the selection seems endless. You might want to offer a bit of each type, to be sure your pup will eat. If your puppy is still eight weeks old or less, you may want to go with canned or moist food, since he won’t have his permanent teeth yet, at that time. His puppy teeth weren’t meant to chew hard food, so canned would be the best puppy food for him, if he’s still young enough not to have his adult teeth yet.

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