Conure Bird

556 days ago via viatravelers    Discuss    all
The conure bird is native to Central and South America, and is a part of the parrot family. What makes the conure bird special is not that it is better than other types or parrots, or for that matter any worse. It is simply different, mainly in terms of its personality, and has become a favorite of many bird-loving owners.Like other members of the parrot family, the size of a given species of conure bird can vary considerably, from parakeet size to some species that are the size of a macaw or large raven. In the wild, conures are relatively peaceful birds, moving in small flocks from one place to another without fighting or fussing. As individual pets they are also exhibit a peaceful temperament, though some species can be rather noisy and some have a squawk that can be a little loud and grating on the ears. Unlike some parrots which are for the most part rather quiet, the conure bird can sometimes be a poor choice for an apartment dweller.

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