Lizard Vivarium
Ask anyone who’s built and maintained a lizard vivarium, and they will tell you that this is the best way to care for and learn about the most fascinating of all the reptiles.A vivarium is best described as an enclosed living area for reptiles and amphibians that is made up of a combination of land and water habitat with plants included as needed, the ratio of land to water being 70-30%. Designed to keep animals safe while also being escape-proof, the containers are made of glass or plastic. Before deciding to raise lizards, realize that there are more than 4,000 species and subspecies. Do some research to figure out which lizard is best for you. Take into consideration the fact that some lizards are more aggressive than others. For this reason, experts advise that the beginning herpetologist purchase a quieter, more easy-going lizard. It is less apt to bite or attack, and will serve as a good learning experience to build upon before moving on to the more challenging species.
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