Marketing Yourself Before and After the Health Crisis

1719 days ago via SpringbokRealty    Discuss    Travel

Many realtors are likely viewing the Covid-19 virus as a hindrance to their business and career. It's a natural reaction. Normal as we know it has halted, and it's likely that even when we're back to business as usual, it won't really be business as usual.

During this challenging time, the general public probably won't hear from the vast majority of real estate agents in their area, but – on the other hand – this is a good time for those with a little drive and ingenuity to market themselves in a unique way, a way that will help potential clients remember your name when things return to the new normal.

Indeed, you can tastefully market your services and even continue to promote any listings you have while still showing your caring and compassionate side. There are ways to make the most of this difficult situation while still caring for those in your community.

Don't talk about buying and selling

It seems like crazy advice, right? But the last thing you want to appear to be is the shark that's trying to capitalize on people's fears and anxieties or the one who says "sell now" or "buy now" because you'll get a great deal.

Instead, put useful information on your social media pages – like scientific articles about the virus or details about restrictions/openings in your state or county – and direct them via a link to your website's full article. You can do the same with email if you have a solid mailing list. Send a tidbit of information that makes them want to read more and provide a link that sends them to your website to do so. While there, they may decide to look at some of the other information you offer, even your listings.

Here's a novel idea If your target area isn't too large, consider writing an old-fashioned newsletter to your community and put it out in the mail. Because those at home look forward to receiving the mail these days, chances are it would be a hit.

Tap local resources

It's important to keep your social media and website content useful AND original. In addition to reprinting articles that potential clients might have seen elsewhere, they also include things that might be more personally related to the community. This would be the same for the printed newsletter, should you decide to move in that direction.

Interview a doctor or other healthcare worker. Talk to a church or temple that might be running virtual services or maybe doing other unique things to serve the community and give them an extra nod for their efforts. Ask a teacher at the local elementary school about tips for homeschooling. Talk to a college student about the trials of learning remotely.

Truly, the pandemic has brought out the best in people but also has prompted challenges that should be addressed. Your content doesn't have to be all sunshine and roses, but it should be relevant and important for others to read.

It's also okay to be humorous, where appropriate. Look for funny stories about families sharing too much togetherness, tales about failed Zoom meetings, or rib-busting stories about homeschooling gone wrong. Your readers will appreciate the chance to laugh. And include some photos, too

Share your plans for the future

Finally, it's okay to talk briefly about what you – or your office – plans to do to protect your clients in the future. Mention the use of hand sanitizer at all listing locations. Suggest things like leaving the children home during showings. Remind sellers that remembering to do things likely leaving the doors open and the lights on will help avoid the need to touch surfaces.

Just a little mention of this lets your customers know that you are thinking ahead to what your business will be like in the near future and how it will impact both you and them.

Buying and selling will continue. We don't know what the market will be like when everything reopens and how long it will take for things to get back to where they were before the pandemic. Still, through your thoughtful words, you can simply reassure future customers that you understand their fears and anxieties and are working towards creating a world where they can once again comfortably buy or sell a home.

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