ActiveCollab Gives Us the Full Picture - AdaptiVLE

926 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
I am Lewis Carr, the Founding Director of AdaptiVLE

[/]. We develop online learning and training platforms

and courses. Before the pandemic, all staff worked in an office, and

it was easy to get an overview of the projects we were each working on

and collaborate on them when needed. With the introduction of

lockdowns and the need for remote working, the visibility on staff

output was vastly reduced.

We needed a way to be able to quickly and clearly see where team

members' time was going and identify any problems in scheduling work

and meeting client deadlines. Additionally, as many of our customers

were also forced into remote working patterns, we saw project

deadlines begin to slip from the client side as they struggled to

manage their own teams. We found ourselves taking on a lot more

project management, not only for our own business but for clients too!


We had used other project management software in the past, but none of

them ...

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