ActiveCollab, a Single Tool for the Entire Team - Arisnova

1232 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
I am Borja Gramage, responsible for organizational development and

people at Arisnova []. I am the second

generation of a company present over 30 years.

We are a Spanish company specialized in the development of control

systems, automation, and custom software development since 1989. We

make technological, exclusive, and intuitive applications that

increase the competitiveness of our customers.

Our applications are designed to be used by different roles within the

company. This is achieved by adapting their use to satisfy the

simplest operations to the most specialized or demanding jobs. Some

examples of our developments are GAS PLANT



Arisnova is a family company with 45 employees, and we are currently

in the process of evolution and growth. Internally, we have launched

several lines of action to digitize our processes ...

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