Mobile Devices Boosting Workplace Productivity

1184 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
We no longer use mobile technology for personal use only. Mobile

devices have become one of the most efficient go-to options for most

businesses due to their versatility, speed, and convenience.

For many companies, mobility has become a new normal since their

employees are well-equipped with tablets, smartphones, and other

technology designed to manage, assess, and deal with work-related

files and operations. According to recent research, nearly 69% of US

smartphone owners use their phones for work and coordinating

face-to-face meetings.


The latest services and mobile apps have emerged to address employees'

needs when it comes to mobile tech. Mobile technology has become

extremely popular, and statistics now indicate that these devices can

significantly boost productivity within one company or organization.

One study that examined the global workforce found 83% of global

employees believe that technological progress has enabled them ...

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